УДК 531.787.1
А.И. Юрин, А.П. Нефедов
Исследование метрологической надежности манометров
Рассмотрены достоинства и недостатки манометров с упругим чувствительным элементом. Проведен факторный эксперимент для выявления зависимости метрологической надежности манометров различных производителей от уровня и продолжительности перегрузок по измеряемому давлению. Рассмотрены методы защиты манометров от перегрузок.
Ключевые слова: манометр, метрологическая надежность, погрешность
A.I. Yurin, A.P. Nefedov
Investigation of the metrological reliability of manometers
The advantages and disadvantages of manometers with a resilient sensing element. A complete factorial experiment to determine the dependence of the metrological reliability of manometers. To investigate the effect of the level and duration of measured pressure overload full factorial experiment was performed. As the objects of experiment were new faultless manometers of the lower price segment of the most popular producers in Russia — «WIKA» (Germany), «Rosma (Russia) and «Meter» (Russia). Since all investigated manometers have a similar structure, but different materials and sensor gear, the experimental results may indicate a low quality of measuring system materials, used for the lower price category manometers. The methods of manometers protection against overloads.
Key words: manometer, metrological reliability, measurement errors