№4-2020 — Contents

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Machinery Building and Theoretical Engineering
Transport, Mining and Construction Machinery

Grinchar N.G., Shoshin A.S., Chalova M.Yu . (Moscow, Russian Federation)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22281/2413-9920-2020-06-04-477-485
Application of modern drilling machines in transport construction

Korytov M.S., Sherbakov V.S., Pochekueva I.E. (Omsk, Russian Federation)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22281/2413-9920-2020-06-04-486-496
Simulation model of the vibration-protective mechanism of a chair with a section of quasi-zero rigidity for the operator of a road and construction machine

Safronov E.V., Nosko A.L., Balashova A.I. (Moscow, Russian Federation)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22281/2413-9920-2020-06-04-497-505
The influence of the length of the lining on the speed of movement of the pallet on the centrifugal friction roller

Tarichko V.I. (Bryansk, Russian Federation)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22281/2413-9920-2020-06-04-506-517
Structural optimization of the hydraulic drive of a mobile transport and reloading rope complex based on Pareto-optimal solutions

Fomin K.V. (Tver, Russian Federation)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22281/2413-9920-2020-06-04-518-528
Method for calculating the spectral density of the moment resistance on the working body of the road mill machine

Goncharov K.A., Grishin A.V. (Bryansk, Russian Federation)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22281/2413-9920-2020-06-04-529-538
Experimental study of operation heat mode of the motor drum of a short belt conveyor

Safety of Human Activities

Rybakov A.V., Ivanov E.V., Sibgatulina D.S., Alyoshkin G.S. (Khimki, Kazan, Russian Federation)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22281/2413-9920-2020-06-04-539-546
Assessing the stability of hydraulic structures to the impact of hazardous factors of hazardous natural phenomena


Mamarozikov U.D., Suyundikova G.M., Kirezidi S.V. (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22281/2413-9920-2020-06-04-547-576
Metallogenic specialization of sienitoid small intrusions and dikes of the Kumbel-Ugam zone of depth faults (Chatkal-Kurama region, Middle Tian Shan)

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